About Nawat

Launched in 2014, the Nawat Institute is an independent network of Arab organisations engaged in policy research. Its purpose is to foster original research, encourage cross-collaboration and build the capacity of research institutions in the region. As a network, Nawat’s members are concerned with issues of social and economic development, citizenship, democratisation, social justice, the rule of law and social stability, citizen rights and equality.

  • Nawat’s function is to support collaboration among Arab policy and research institutions as well as facilitate a culture of knowledge sharing. Member organisations are encouraged to work collaboratively on cross-cutting issues, capacity building and upskilling through training.
  • Nawat seeks to capitalise on the Arab region’s human capital as the foundation for participatory development based on the priorities of Arab societies. By coordinating research efforts, exchanging expertise, and sharing results of research, Nawat works to inform and guide strategic decision making in Arab development.
  • Nawat operates on the premise that as a network we are stronger. Through collaboration and coordination synergies are formed, efficiencies gained and impacts amplified.

Our Vision

To create a professional environment that recognises the importance of collective engagement in diagnosing, challenging and overcoming the obstacles that hinder the development of Arab societies.


Demand for expanding Nawat’s body of activities is increasing. In response, the network has focused its efforts on four priorities:

  • Cultivating an open and dynamic space for research and knowledge exchange
  • Leveraging opportunities that expand and deepen core areas of expertise
  • Engaging emerging leaders from  the Arab region through the creation of a fellowship program
  • Encouraging Arab-based research initiatives that focus on institutional and policy challenges in the region.


  • Community Driven Change

Nawat intends to create an environment of indigenous Arab-based organizations that together generate solutions to common issues and challenges. Nawat incorporates and gives support to local voices in the policy development processes. To this end, Nawat nurtures research methodologies that stem from and are contextually relevant to Arab societies.

  • Regional Cooperation

Nawat encourages members, to view peers as partners and to choose cooperation and collaboration over rivalry and competition.  Nawat views partnerships as critical to creating and sustaining value and creating sustainable change across the region.

  • Inclusiveness

Nawat’s membership is open to a wide cross-section of Arab organisations. Our work focuses on the development of a culture of inclusiveness that embodies collaboration, creative thinking, openness, initiative and increasing trust levels within organisations and across Arab society as a whole.

  • Technical Innovation

Harnessing innovation is key to the Nawat network. Nawat is an environment where public research institutions interact through the exchange of skills, knowledge and ideas.  Nawat fosters innovation in research and development, training and skills development and encourages engagement in innovation and intellectual entrepreneurship.

  • Responsible Research

Supporting research rooted in sound and objective scientific methodologies, Nawat seeks to embed best practice and cutting-edge solutions to contemporary issues.

  • Sharing Knowledge

Knowledge sharing is central to learning and critical to development. Nawat works to spread and make best practice and knowledge accessible and usable within and between Arab research centres.

What We Do

The network engages member organization, activists, civil society, governments, politicians and the private sector in both open debates and confidential discussions about significant developments in regional affairs. Through these alliances, Nawat can offer new ideas to decision-makers and opinion-shapers on how to tackle critical regional and country-specific challenges.

Nawat’s programs focus on four key areas:

  • Technical Capacity and Skills Building
  • Annual Regional Think Tank Conference
  • Cross-Cutting Research, Studies and Surveys
  • Mentorship Program for Start-ups